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Author: Cathy Wilson

When you’re afraid you might be pregnant, trying to understand your options can be frustrating. You already feel vulnerable. Knowing the difference between the abortion pill and Plan B will help you. Essentially, the abortion pill is an abortifacient, which means it ends an early pregnancy. It does not prevent pregnancy from happening. Plan B…
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There are two different types of abortion. The procedure that is FDA-approved up to 10 weeks (70 days) of gestational age is the abortion pill.  This is a series of two different drugs, mifepristone, and misoprostol, used to end a pregnancy and expel the remnants from the uterus.  Read this article to learn more about…
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An unplanned pregnancy can bring a host of concerns and unknowns to a pregnant woman. If this is you, you may worry about the future. Are you considering ordering the abortion pill online? Technically, the abortion pill is legal in our state, but you may not bypass a medical clinic and order it online. Georgia…
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At first  an at-home abortion with the abortion pill method seems like an ideal solution to a very personal crisis, but a closer look at the abortion pill reveals that it carries significant risks if performed without in-person health screening. The FDA has approved the abortion pill for up to 10 weeks (70 days) of…
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Medical abortion, despite rumors to the contrary,  is only recommended for pregnancies under 10 weeks or 70 days of gestational age. Keep reading this article if you are still early in your pregnancy and want to learn more about the process, risks, and side effects of a medical abortion. How Does the Abortion Pill Work?…
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An unexpected pregnancy can be difficult if expanding your family is not a part of your immediate plan. It’s understandable to feel unsure of the next steps as you consider options like abortion. You owe it to yourself to research the  risks and advantages of all your options to make an informed choice. What Can…
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If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, there are a couple of highly recommended health screenings that you’ll want to schedule first. The following screenings can give you peace of mind and more information about your pregnancy, empowering you to make an informed decision. Pregnancy Testing If you haven’t already, taking a pregnancy test is…
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An incomplete abortion occurs when the abortion fails to completely remove a pregnancy (fetus, and placenta) from a woman’s uterus. Unremoved fetal or placental parts can become a breeding ground for bacteria, creating a risk of life-threatening maternal infection. Read the rest of this article to understand the symptoms as well as the likelihood of…
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With Georgia’s 6-week abortion ban, women with unplanned pregnancies must consider other options instead of going to a local abortion clinic.  Read this article to learn about local resources and your options out of state. Can I get an abortion in Alabama, Tennessee, or Florida? Alabama and Tennessee do not allow abortion after fertilization unless…
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Abortion is legal in Georgia only up to 6 weeks of gestational age and women seeking abortions must provide voluntary informed consent at least 24 hours beforehand, except in medical emergencies. Minors must notify a parent or guardian 24 hours before a court waives that requirement. If you’re already farther along than six weeks, you…
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