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Being in a situation where your birth control has failed can be stressful and leave you feeling anxious about a potential pregnancy. While it’s a scenario many don’t anticipate, knowing the right steps to take can provide clarity and reassurance. We’ll go through some simple steps you can take if you’re worried your birth control…
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Taking a pregnancy test can be an emotional experience filled with questions and uncertainty. The anticipation of waiting for results and the potential impact they might have on your life can feel overwhelming. It’s important to approach this moment carefully and seek the clarity you need. Understanding how pregnancy tests work can help ease your…
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An unplanned pregnancy can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re concerned about how your partner might respond. The thought of sharing this news may add more stress to an already delicate situation, but there are ways to make the conversation smoother. We’re here to offer strategies for discussing the pregnancy with your partner. If you’d like…
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High school is a challenge – whether it’s academics, social pressures or making plans for your future. Add in an unexpected pregnancy and it can feel overwhelming to navigate all the additional decisions and concerns that come with it. Whether you’re trying to figure out your rights as a pregnant minor, explore available health care…
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College is a time of exploration and building the future you envision for yourself. If you are unexpectedly pregnant, you may feel overwhelmed, partly due to it being the opposite of what you planned. The good news is that you’re not alone; you can still accomplish your dreams, and there are resources to help you…
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No matter how careful you are or which contraception you use, it’s important to remember that no contraceptive method is 100% guaranteed to prevent pregnancy.  If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, you’re not alone. This is a common experience that happens to many women every year. If your menstrual cycle is delayed or you are…
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When you are considering terminating your pregnancy, an ultrasound is a great way to help you learn more about your pregnancy and to understand your available options.  At PRC Medical, we offer no-cost ultrasounds and the chance to learn more about your pregnancy in a safe, nonjudgmental environment. Confirm Your Pregnancy’s Gestational Age An ultrasound…
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Suppose you are unexpectedly pregnant and are considering a mail-order abortion for its privacy and convenience. There are a few things you should know first, especially if you live in the state of Georgia.  Is Mail-Order Abortion Legal in Georgia? Technically, mail-order abortion is legal in Georgia, but it must be prescribed before a fetal…
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When considering any medical procedure, like an abortion, you’ll want to research the common physical and mental side effects so you can do your due diligence and make an informed decision. Read this article for a well-rounded understanding of what you can expect if you are considering the abortion pill, also called a medical abortion.…
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In a normal pregnancy, a fertilized egg implants and grows within the uterus. However, when a fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus, commonly within a fallopian tube, it is referred to as an ectopic pregnancy.  The term “ectopic” is used to describe its unusual location, indicating that it is situated outside of the uterus…
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