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3 Things to Know if You Are Considering Mail-Order Abortion

Suppose you are unexpectedly pregnant and are considering a mail-order abortion for its privacy and convenience. There are a few things you should know first, especially if you live in the state of Georgia. 

Is Mail-Order Abortion Legal in Georgia?

Technically, mail-order abortion is legal in Georgia, but it must be prescribed before a fetal heartbeat can be detected, around six weeks. Exceptions to this rule include: 

  • For medical emergencies
  • In cases of pregnancy from rape or incest, if the pregnancy is less than 20 weeks from the last menstrual period
  • The woman’s life is at risk
  • Where a licensed medical professional has determined, using reasonable medical judgment, that the fetus has an anomaly that renders it incompatible with life after birth

What are the Risks of a Mail-Order Abortion?

When you receive drugs by mail, this could increase the general risk of a medical abortion because you will not be evaluated in person by a qualified medical provider or screened with appropriate laboratory tests specific to your medical history. Also, in the event problems arise, you will have limited options if you need immediate medical attention. 

Here are the most common risks related to the drug protocol used in  medical abortion:

  • Incomplete abortion (which may require surgical intervention)
  • An ongoing pregnancy if the procedure fails
  • Digestive system discomfort
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding
  • Fever
  • Infection

Suppose you forgo pre-abortion screening (which includes an ultrasound). In that case, you may not know if you are at a higher risk for serious health complications due to an undiagnosed  ectopic pregnancy, significant anemia, or an Rh incompatibility that may affect future pregnancies.

Confirm Your Pregnancy

Before an abortion, you’ll want a clinical grade pregnancy test, which, if positive, is confirmed by an ultrasound. Our nurse will confidentially discuss your health history to determine whether additional laboratory studies are needed to reduce your health risks. All of which are available to you at no cost at PRC Medical.

In a nonjudgmental environment, we can help you verify the gestational age and understand your options at this stage. We know trying to understand all the options can be confusing on top of the pressures of an unplanned pregnancy. 

Still, we are here to provide you with information and resources so you can make a decision confidently. Contact us today!